Health & Safety
Treescapes ® have a 100% record on all aspects of Health and Safety. In an industry known for the potential of accidents we are proud to announce this. The monitoring of work procedures, the first-rate equipment we use and the obligatory risk assessment we always carry out are part of this. However, the single most important factor in the record we carry is the standard of training our staff receive. Their skills, attitude and behaviour reflect this. Our staff are all minimum NVQ Level II trained and hold NPTC qualifications. Any new staff taken on are always placed onto a training program to achieve these minimum standards. We are licenced by the Environment Agency to carry waste.
Treescapes ® adheres to all of the following legislation:
* All Arboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group (AFAG) guidelines
* British Standard 3998 (1989) – Recommendations for tree work
* Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
* Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998
* Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998
* Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
* Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1989
* Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)2002
* Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
* Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are my responsibilities as a tree owner?
You are considered generally to be the owner of a tree if the tree is on your property. You have a responsibility to ensure your tree does not cause damage or injury to others. Also, the Highways Act 1980 requires that trees and other vegetation do not obstruct the passage of others (Minimum clearance for pathways – 2.4m Minimum for vehicles 5.2m). Also they must not obstruct street lighting or signs.
Is it important that the company I use are insured?
YES – If you employ a company that is not insured you could be personally liable for any accidentand/or injury caused whilst they are carrying out the work. Treescapes Gardening Services carry full Public & Employers Liability Insurance.
What is a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)?
Planning authorities protect trees by issuing TPO’s. The issuing of a TPO makes it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy any protected tree(s) without first obtaining permission to do so. There are few exceptions to this, such as when a tree is dead, dangerous or dying. We can apply and obtain permission for the work necessary on a tree with a TPO on it as your agent.
What is a Conservation Area?
The Civic Amenities Act (1967) states Conservation Areas are, ‘Areas of special architectural or historic appearance the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.’ Trees in Conservation Areas are generally treated as if they have been issued with TPO’s. As most trees in a Conservation Area are automatically protected it is necessary to obtain the councils approval before carrying any work out on them. If a company advises you don’t need permission and you think you may, CHECK. You as well as the company are liable for prosecution and/or a substantial fine. Treescapes Gardening Services can check if your trees are in a Conservation Area, and also apply on your behalf for permission to carry out the required work.
My neighbours tree overhangs my property. What can I do?
You are entitled to prune unprotected trees and hedges which overhang your property. You must offer to return to the owner any timber or fruit. You may not trespass on your neighbour’s land to do so.
Can I get a price for work over the phone?
NO – Every tree and garden is different. All sizes, all shapes, and all have their own features to be taken into consideration before an estimate can be given. Our estimates are FREE and can be arranged at your convenience.